The interesting appointment of Joel Salatin

The natural-organic-permaculture suburb of the internet is puzzled about the appointment of self proclaimed “lunatic farmer” Joel Salatin as advisor to Trump’s Secretary of Agriculture pick Thomas Massie. I despise politics, but I’m a tentative fan of Salatin, and I’m pretty surprised myself that he was chosen. In fact, I had picked up one of his books yesterday (Folks, this ain’t normal) right before finding out this news. I say tentative because I view all “gurus” tentatively. I do believe Salatin has some great beliefs and ideas, but I disagree with him on some major points, so it’s a take what you can type of admiration I have for him.

Sticking a few things here so I don’t forget them: Really nice clothespins, Why I can no longer tell people I don’t do social media, an unconventional soup I want to try, as soon as the deer ticks lay off for the season,


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